
87.000 km per mountainbike around the world

Illustration of the recently published book "2-Rad-Abenteuer" by Valeska and Philipp Schaudy.

Published: November 2013 by Publishing house Jakomini.


Exhibition "Galery-Workshop", 05.04.2013

Together with Hermann Hombauer, Lightworker*T, Sonja Sagan, Woolf Berger and Janka Kúkelová.
On display: Cartoons from the cycle "Edge of Space".
Location: Cselley-Mühle, Oslip, Austria


Exhibition "Art mélange", 15.03.2012

Exhibition-premiere together with the artists Brigitte Juchelka and Sarah Leodolter.
Location: Lawyer´s office Dr. Reinhard Schäfer, Vienna.
On display: Cartoons from the world of "Angry Aliens" and "Happy Birds".


Shades of Kathmandu, 13.08.2011

Organisation of a charity workshop to support the NGO "just-one", that strives to help disadvantaged and marginalized children in Nepal. Under the wonderful, voluntary help of the internationally acknowledged artist Shashi Shah, the artist Binayak K.C., and 30 further art-students and headmasters of Kathmandu´s art universities, an art workshop with children takes place.

The net-profit from the sales is used to support children and their families (for instance in their education) as a foundation for their future.

Location of the workshops: Sirjana College of Fine Arts, Kathmandu.

Thank you to everyone, who made this art workshop possible. To everone, who made this specific day a day of humanity and heartiness. Dhaanyabaad and namaste.